The best Fall Out Boy picture I have ever seen. This is what happens when you put Patrick in the front! God, his eyes are beautiful.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Cobra Starship
Here are Cobra Starship's HI-larious videos:
The Church of Hot Addiction
Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)
The Church of Hot Addiction
Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)
Panic! at the Disco
Panic! at the Disco's amazing (wow, I really like that word) videos.
I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Build God, Then We'll Talk
But It's Better If You Do
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Build God, Then We'll Talk
But It's Better If You Do
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
My Chemical Romance- The Black Parade
No words are good enough to describe how amazing this record is. I have owned it for maybe four months and I am in love. These guys are genuises. I have no words. Speechless. Each song offers something different. From Welcome to the Black Parade, this epic beautiful song, to Cancer a very emotional piano ballad, to Teenagers which offers some comical insight to teenager's minds. Amazing guitar riffs and solos!!!!! Drumming- amazing. Vocals- Seriously, Gerard Way owns my friggen' soul with his voice. An amazing follow-up to "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". If you don't have this record, I seriously suggest you get it. NOW! And if you feel like being a asshole and not getting the cd, than at least check out these songs by them:
- Dead!
- Welcome to the Black Parade
- House of Wolves
- Cancer
- Mama
- Sleep
These are from "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge":
- You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
- Thank You For The Venom
- The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
- Hang Em' High
- Helena
That's all I have to say.
Yes, people I wrote lyrics
As dark sets upon your bleeding shadow
The sinister dream of hope still lies in the air
There is nothing left to say,
I create the disturbed stares
As the sun sets upon the gothic city
The end has come
You have done it now
As a lady in a white dress comes to me and says "Give em' hell, kid."
I am Miss World
That's right, you have done it now
You are the reaper and I am the fantasy
I am death and you are light
Ok, this is my first time writing lyrics. I did not mean for it to come out this emo, and I am kinda starting to hate it now. It doesn't make sense, plus it's very self-centered. I do like the line "You are the reaper and I am the fantasy". I am not really this emo. I wear pink! I dislike Evanescence. I don't know, I guess they are okay for my first time (no sex jokes!). coughguttermindcough
The sinister dream of hope still lies in the air
There is nothing left to say,
I create the disturbed stares
As the sun sets upon the gothic city
The end has come
You have done it now
As a lady in a white dress comes to me and says "Give em' hell, kid."
I am Miss World
That's right, you have done it now
You are the reaper and I am the fantasy
I am death and you are light
Ok, this is my first time writing lyrics. I did not mean for it to come out this emo, and I am kinda starting to hate it now. It doesn't make sense, plus it's very self-centered. I do like the line "You are the reaper and I am the fantasy". I am not really this emo. I wear pink! I dislike Evanescence. I don't know, I guess they are okay for my first time (no sex jokes!). coughguttermindcough
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Life is boring. That is how I feel right now. Even though today is my birthday, today feels like nothing special. I mean, I got great stuff, and my parents were great about it, but I feel like nothing has changed. I am so tired of being young. It sucks. I don't have any friends. Well, let me rephrase that. I don't have any close friends. Friends that share my interests. I have my friends at the barn, but I only see them once a week, at most. And my supposed best friend and I are drifting apart. I feel like I can't talk to her about anything deep. All she wants to talk about is boys and her hobbies. And we only ever talk on the phone. I never see her in person. I try to be patient and listen to what she says but somtimes I get really bored and make up excuses to get off the phone. Somtimes we even can't find anything to talk about. I can't talk to her about music or horses at all. When I try to, I can sense that she gets really bored. We have a boring, shallow relationship. That's it. I am a loner, but I hate being one.
Eat Me, Drink Me
Marilyn Manson - Heart Shaped Glasses
Is anyone else reallllly excited for Marilyn Manson's new record? I AM I AM!
Is anyone else reallllly excited for Marilyn Manson's new record? I AM I AM!
It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

That's right people today is my birthday. The day of my birth. And because I have wonderful parents I got some very good shit today:
That's right people today is my birthday. The day of my birth. And because I have wonderful parents I got some very good shit today:
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Shirt from Hot Topic
- My Chem Shirt from Hot Topic
- More shirts
- shorts
- Ramones Wristband
- A PRINCE CD! (yeah, my mom is frickin' awesome!)
- Fall Out Boy Dolls (and yes, they are ADORABLE!)
- Four posters
- a saddle ( I got that with the money my grandparents gave me)
- I am leasing a horse
HELL YEAH I am happy!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Time begun: 11:05 PM
Birthday: April 29
Siblings: One Older Brother
Height: 4' 11
What are you wearing right now: Blue Gym Shorts, Yellow Beatles Shirt
Where do you live: URANUS (HAHAHA!)
Piercings?: None
Who is your closest friend?:
Did you send this to your crushes?: No
Do you like anyone?: Yes
Do they like you?: Psh, no
Album from what band?: Gawd, you're gonna make me choose?
Pastime activity?: Horses, Ipod, Internet
Colour?: Blue, Black, White, Gray
Video game?: Harvest Moon
Movie?: Clerks
Number?: 9
Boys Names?: Dunno
Animal?: Horse, Dog, Rabbit
Sport?: Horse Back Riding
Month?: April, December, May
Juice?: Diet Coke
Breakfast?: Soup
Favorite cartoon character?: don't really watch cartoons
Given anyone a bath?: Do Animals Count?
Bungee?: No, But that would be fun
Gone skinny dipping?: Wouldn't you like to know?
Eaten a dog?: No
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No (LOFL)
Liked someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
Broken a bone?: No
Played truth or dare?: Yes
Been in a physical fight?: No, but I could kick your ass!
Been in a police car?: No
Been on a plane?: Twice
Come close to dying?: Yes
Been in a sauna?: No
Been in a hot tub?: Yes
Swam in the ocean?: No
Fallen asleep in school?: Almost
Ran away?: Yes, but I got maybe 30 feet from my house
Broken someone's heart?: No
Cried when someone died?: Yes
Cried in school?: Yes
Fell off your chair?: Yes
Saved AIM conversations?: No
Saved e-mails?: Yes
Used someone?: I don't think so
Been cheated on?: No
WHAT IS . . .
Your good luck charm?: I don't have one
Best song you ever heard?: Welcome to the Black Parade- My Chemical Romance That song is so beautiful and epic. It's a lot like "Bohemian Rhapsody".
What's your room like: Decent
Whats beside you?: Stuff
Last thing you ate?: Soup
Chicken pox?: Yes
Sore Throat?: Yes
Stitches?: No
Broken nose?: No
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Like picnics?: I guess so
Like school?: Really. Seriously.
What schools have you gone to?: I have been to 2 schools in my life
Who was the last person that called you?: Mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: I don't remember
What makes you smile?: Thousands of things.
You yelled at?: Brother
Who told you they loved you?:Mom
Do you like filling these out: I need another one of these like I need crack
Do you wear contacts or glasses: No
Do you like yourself: Somewhat
Do you get along with your family: Kinda
ARE YOU . . .
Obsessive?: Yes
Compulsive: Yes
Suicidal?: No.
Birthday: April 29
Siblings: One Older Brother
Height: 4' 11
What are you wearing right now: Blue Gym Shorts, Yellow Beatles Shirt
Where do you live: URANUS (HAHAHA!)
Piercings?: None
Who is your closest friend?:
Did you send this to your crushes?: No
Do you like anyone?: Yes
Do they like you?: Psh, no
Album from what band?: Gawd, you're gonna make me choose?
Pastime activity?: Horses, Ipod, Internet
Colour?: Blue, Black, White, Gray
Video game?: Harvest Moon
Movie?: Clerks
Number?: 9
Boys Names?: Dunno
Animal?: Horse, Dog, Rabbit
Sport?: Horse Back Riding
Month?: April, December, May
Juice?: Diet Coke
Breakfast?: Soup
Favorite cartoon character?: don't really watch cartoons
Given anyone a bath?: Do Animals Count?
Bungee?: No, But that would be fun
Gone skinny dipping?: Wouldn't you like to know?
Eaten a dog?: No
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No (LOFL)
Liked someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
Broken a bone?: No
Played truth or dare?: Yes
Been in a physical fight?: No, but I could kick your ass!
Been in a police car?: No
Been on a plane?: Twice
Come close to dying?: Yes
Been in a sauna?: No
Been in a hot tub?: Yes
Swam in the ocean?: No
Fallen asleep in school?: Almost
Ran away?: Yes, but I got maybe 30 feet from my house
Broken someone's heart?: No
Cried when someone died?: Yes
Cried in school?: Yes
Fell off your chair?: Yes
Saved AIM conversations?: No
Saved e-mails?: Yes
Used someone?: I don't think so
Been cheated on?: No
WHAT IS . . .
Your good luck charm?: I don't have one
Best song you ever heard?: Welcome to the Black Parade- My Chemical Romance That song is so beautiful and epic. It's a lot like "Bohemian Rhapsody".
What's your room like: Decent
Whats beside you?: Stuff
Last thing you ate?: Soup
Chicken pox?: Yes
Sore Throat?: Yes
Stitches?: No
Broken nose?: No
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Like picnics?: I guess so
Like school?: Really. Seriously.
What schools have you gone to?: I have been to 2 schools in my life
Who was the last person that called you?: Mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: I don't remember
What makes you smile?: Thousands of things.
You yelled at?: Brother
Who told you they loved you?:Mom
Do you like filling these out: I need another one of these like I need crack
Do you wear contacts or glasses: No
Do you like yourself: Somewhat
Do you get along with your family: Kinda
ARE YOU . . .
Obsessive?: Yes
Compulsive: Yes
Suicidal?: No.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I know you guys are really tired of me posting random lyrics here and there so I am writing all the ones I love down in one post. Here you are:
Just let me ask you:
Hey, have you heard of my religion?
It's called the Church of Hot Addiction
And we believe that God has lust for everything - Cobra Starship's "The Church of Hot Addiction"
And will you tell all your friends, You've got your gun to my head- Taking Back Sunday's "Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team)"
You are the dreamer, and we are the dream- Fall Out Boy's "Hum Hallelujah"
I am the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it.
Because you say so under your breath.
You're reading lips "When did he get at all confident?"- Panic! at the Disco's "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet"
Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction.
Forgive our sins.
Forged, at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons.- Panic! at the Disco's "I Constantly Thank God For Esteban"
Mental wounds not healing- Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train"
So long live the car-crash hearts
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life
Fix me in forty-five- Fall Out Boy's "Thriller"
I'll keep singing this lie, if you'll keep believing it- Fall Out Boy's "Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year"
Who shot that arrow in your throat? - The Hush Sound's "Wine Red"
I don't blame you for being you, But you can't blame me for hating it- Fall Out Boy's "A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More "Touch Me""
I’m mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town- Fall Out Boy's "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)"
I used to obsess over living- Fall Out Boy's "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)"
Love never wanted me- Fall Out Boy's "XO"
Watch your mouth
Oh, oh, oh
Because your speech is slurred enough
That you just might swallow your tongue- Panic! at the Disco's "Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks"
Boys will be boys, hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.- Panic! at the Disco's "Time to Dance"
I am an arms dealer, fitting you with weapons in the form of words- Fall Out Boy's "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
As you can see, I am a big fan of Pete Wentz and Ryan Ross's lyrics. They are so beautifully dark, but they add a slight comical side to it. Just depends on the way you look at it. I have frustrated myself to no end trying to figure out what their lyrics mean.
Just let me ask you:
Hey, have you heard of my religion?
It's called the Church of Hot Addiction
And we believe that God has lust for everything - Cobra Starship's "The Church of Hot Addiction"
And will you tell all your friends, You've got your gun to my head- Taking Back Sunday's "Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team)"
You are the dreamer, and we are the dream- Fall Out Boy's "Hum Hallelujah"
I am the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it.
Because you say so under your breath.
You're reading lips "When did he get at all confident?"- Panic! at the Disco's "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet"
Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction.
Forgive our sins.
Forged, at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons.- Panic! at the Disco's "I Constantly Thank God For Esteban"
Mental wounds not healing- Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train"
So long live the car-crash hearts
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life
Fix me in forty-five- Fall Out Boy's "Thriller"
I'll keep singing this lie, if you'll keep believing it- Fall Out Boy's "Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year"
Who shot that arrow in your throat? - The Hush Sound's "Wine Red"
I don't blame you for being you, But you can't blame me for hating it- Fall Out Boy's "A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More "Touch Me""
I’m mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town- Fall Out Boy's "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)"
I used to obsess over living- Fall Out Boy's "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)"
Love never wanted me- Fall Out Boy's "XO"
Watch your mouth
Oh, oh, oh
Because your speech is slurred enough
That you just might swallow your tongue- Panic! at the Disco's "Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks"
Boys will be boys, hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.- Panic! at the Disco's "Time to Dance"
I am an arms dealer, fitting you with weapons in the form of words- Fall Out Boy's "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
As you can see, I am a big fan of Pete Wentz and Ryan Ross's lyrics. They are so beautifully dark, but they add a slight comical side to it. Just depends on the way you look at it. I have frustrated myself to no end trying to figure out what their lyrics mean.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Name: Guess!
Birthdate: 4/29
Birthplace: In your dreams...
Current Location: Pluto
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 4' 11' I know I'm short...
Weight: 135?
Piercings: No
Tatoos: No, But I think it would be cool.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not Yet
Overused Phrase: I use the f-word a lot, but I don't curse in front of people who don't like it.
Food: Mac n Cheese
Candy: Skittles
Number: 9
Color: Blue and Black
Animal: Horse
Drink: Diet Coke
Bagel: Plain
Letter: V
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes and Lips
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: I can't choose between those.
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: I don't have one
Most Missed Memory: Hmmm, I don't know.
Best phyiscal feature: Again, Eyes and Lips
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to wake up!
Goals for this year: Jump a good course, jump higher than two feet, do well in school.
Fears: Spiders freak me out, to have everybody leave me, to be raped (that scares the crap out of me)
Longest relationship: I haven't ever had a boyfriend.
Ever Drank: I have had sips of stuff, but I don't like the way Alcohol tastes.
Ever Smoked: No, and I don't plan too.
Pot: I would like to try it.
Ever been Drunk: No
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No, but I could!
Ever Shoplifted: Yes... a LONG time ago
Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: No
Been Dumped Lately: No
IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite
Eye Color: I don't care, but I love looking at eyes.
Favorite Hair Color: Doesn't Matter
Short or Long: Doesn't Matter
Height: Doesn't Matter
Style: Musician
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute: Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Only if he is responsible with alcohol, No Drugs except for maybe pot.
Muscular or Really Skinny: I don't like really big muscles, but there is nothing wrong with a six-pack. :)
Number of Regrets in the Past: Tons
What country do you want to Visit: India
How do you want to Die: Gracefully...
Been to the Mall Lately: No, I don't have a life
Do you like Thunderstorms: No
Get along with your Parents: Somewhat
Health Freak: No
Do you think your Attractive: Sometimes
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Want to go to College: I think so
Do you Smoke: No
Drink: No
Shower Daily: No, *snicker*
Been in Love: Yes, but it was so false love. Doesn't everybody go through the Pete Wentz phase?
Do you Sing: Yes, but I don't think I have a very good voice.
Want to get Married: Yes
Do you want Children: They annoy me sometimes, but I want children.
Have your future kids names planned out: No
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: I'm not having sex until I get married.
Hate anyone: HELL YES
Do you have the following in your bedroom/dorm room: (*snicker*)
Condoms: Suuuuurrrrrreeeee
Cell phone: Yes
Chair/stool: Yes
Book shelf: Yes
Dresser: Yes
Computer/laptop: No
Bean bag: No
Pictures: Yes a lot
Mirror: No
Skateboard: No
Bed: Seriously?
Clothes on the floor: Yeeeess
Surfboard: No
Smoke detector: No
Piano/keyboard/Guitar/bass/drums: How awesome would that be?
Locking door: Yes
Bottle of water: No
Black light: Huh?
Stop sign/any sign: No
Cigarettes: No
Pot: No
Alcohol: No
Books: Lots of books, and magazines.
Stereo: No, I use my trusty ipod for that.
Lighter: No
Gum: No
How many windows do you have in your room: Three
What is the color of your walls: Blue
Your curtains: Silver/White
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Bathroom
What color is your bed sheets? White
What's on your walls? Lots of pictures of horses, and I think four pictures of Fall Out Boy
Has the opposite sex been in your room before? Sigh, I wish
Has the opposite sex been in your bed before? No
Who usually sleeps in your bed other than you? Only my beautiful self!
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed? Moi!
Birthdate: 4/29
Birthplace: In your dreams...
Current Location: Pluto
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 4' 11' I know I'm short...
Weight: 135?
Piercings: No
Tatoos: No, But I think it would be cool.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not Yet
Overused Phrase: I use the f-word a lot, but I don't curse in front of people who don't like it.
Food: Mac n Cheese
Candy: Skittles
Number: 9
Color: Blue and Black
Animal: Horse
Drink: Diet Coke
Bagel: Plain
Letter: V
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes and Lips
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: I can't choose between those.
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: I don't have one
Most Missed Memory: Hmmm, I don't know.
Best phyiscal feature: Again, Eyes and Lips
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to wake up!
Goals for this year: Jump a good course, jump higher than two feet, do well in school.
Fears: Spiders freak me out, to have everybody leave me, to be raped (that scares the crap out of me)
Longest relationship: I haven't ever had a boyfriend.
Ever Drank: I have had sips of stuff, but I don't like the way Alcohol tastes.
Ever Smoked: No, and I don't plan too.
Pot: I would like to try it.
Ever been Drunk: No
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No, but I could!
Ever Shoplifted: Yes... a LONG time ago
Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: No
Been Dumped Lately: No
IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite
Eye Color: I don't care, but I love looking at eyes.
Favorite Hair Color: Doesn't Matter
Short or Long: Doesn't Matter
Height: Doesn't Matter
Style: Musician
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute: Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Only if he is responsible with alcohol, No Drugs except for maybe pot.
Muscular or Really Skinny: I don't like really big muscles, but there is nothing wrong with a six-pack. :)
Number of Regrets in the Past: Tons
What country do you want to Visit: India
How do you want to Die: Gracefully...
Been to the Mall Lately: No, I don't have a life
Do you like Thunderstorms: No
Get along with your Parents: Somewhat
Health Freak: No
Do you think your Attractive: Sometimes
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Want to go to College: I think so
Do you Smoke: No
Drink: No
Shower Daily: No, *snicker*
Been in Love: Yes, but it was so false love. Doesn't everybody go through the Pete Wentz phase?
Do you Sing: Yes, but I don't think I have a very good voice.
Want to get Married: Yes
Do you want Children: They annoy me sometimes, but I want children.
Have your future kids names planned out: No
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: I'm not having sex until I get married.
Hate anyone: HELL YES
Do you have the following in your bedroom/dorm room: (*snicker*)
Condoms: Suuuuurrrrrreeeee
Cell phone: Yes
Chair/stool: Yes
Book shelf: Yes
Dresser: Yes
Computer/laptop: No
Bean bag: No
Pictures: Yes a lot
Mirror: No
Skateboard: No
Bed: Seriously?
Clothes on the floor: Yeeeess
Surfboard: No
Smoke detector: No
Piano/keyboard/Guitar/bass/drums: How awesome would that be?
Locking door: Yes
Bottle of water: No
Black light: Huh?
Stop sign/any sign: No
Cigarettes: No
Pot: No
Alcohol: No
Books: Lots of books, and magazines.
Stereo: No, I use my trusty ipod for that.
Lighter: No
Gum: No
How many windows do you have in your room: Three
What is the color of your walls: Blue
Your curtains: Silver/White
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Bathroom
What color is your bed sheets? White
What's on your walls? Lots of pictures of horses, and I think four pictures of Fall Out Boy
Has the opposite sex been in your room before? Sigh, I wish
Has the opposite sex been in your bed before? No
Who usually sleeps in your bed other than you? Only my beautiful self!
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed? Moi!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
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