Hey! I'm witty!
1. Boy's name: Aiden
2. Girl's name: Helena, Peyton
3. Fruit? Pineapple
4. Book? Favorite book ever? Well, damn, I can't choose.
5. Actor? Mark Wahlberg, Alan Rickman, and Ralph Fiennes.
6. Time Killer? Computer, TV, Reading, Music
7. Color of Ink? Black
8. Car? Hybrid
9. Publishing Company? Erm...I dunno.
10. School Subject? English
11. Breed of Dog? Boston Terrier
12. Kind of Fish? Red fish, Blue fish, old fish, new fish
13. Kind of Flower? Lilies
14. Band? My Chemical Romance + Good Music
15. Kind of Silverware? SPORKS + FPOONS!
16. Animal? I love them all.
17. Brand of Shoe? Shoes that fall apart?
18. Genre of Book? Psycho Serial Killer books.
19. Thing to touch? Dirty dishes...Ew!
20. Sound? When my dog eats. That drives me insane.
21. Movie? Hm. Probably pornos? I can't say I hate any movies. Even bad ones are hilarious.
22. Emotion? Sadness.
23. Your Current Eyeshadow? Black
24. Primary Family Car? Blue
25. Your Favorite Towel? Green
26. Your Favorite Shirt? It's a +44 shirt.
27. The pajamas you wore last night? Tank top, black shorts.
28. You favorite textbook? Text book? What's that? Have you forgotten that I am homeschooled?
29. Your drinking glass? Um, I can drink out of it.
30. Movie? The Hills Have Eyes. Haven't seen it, and I don't want too.
31. Book? I don't do scary books, but I have been thinking about getting into Steven King.
32. Insect? Bugs in general.
33. Time of day? Urm, I don't know.
34. Siblings? When he breaths. Grrr.
35. Best Friend? My best friend is clueless.
36. The opposite sex? They are to confusing.
37. Where would you live? Wherever my heart takes me
38. What would your job be? DRUMMER! Also part time horse back rider.
39. How many kids would you have? Zero. I can't deal with kids.
40. Would you have a tattoo? Hell yeah.
41. Name you can think of right now? Fred Maraschino.
42. Thing you've ever said to a stranger? My mom said never to talk to strangers. LOL. Umm, I don't know. I have busted out laughing in front of a stranger. I got a funny look from him.
43. Halloween or Valentine's Day? Halloween
44. Mascara or eyeliner? Eyeliner
45. Gore or Suspense? Suspense
46. Ocean or sky? Erm. Sky?
47. Warm or cool colors? Cool.
48. Wooden or leather chair? Wooden
49. Spikes or chains? Chains, I like spikes, but I usually hurt myself.
50. Rock or Metal? Rock
51. Circus or canival? Neither
52. Headbanging or breakdancing? Headbanging, duh.
53. Book or Movie? Book
55, Fallen asleep with your eyes open? I don't know. I was sleeping.
56. Been so bored that you considered cleaning out your closet? Yes. Kinda sad, right?
57. Gotten in a full-scale poke war with your 2 best friends? Chyea.
58. Been in a hug competition with your entire class? No. And, huh?
59. Had a silent argument with someone? No.
60.Had your locker door slammed on your hand? No. But I have had my fingers smushed in a car door. Ohh, I like that word. Smushed. It's fun to say!
61. Been able to put together a 1,000 peice jigsaw puzzle? Nope.
62. Hated a teacher? Who hasn't?
63. Suddenly realized that someone was cute and now you have a crush on them? Yes. Mikey Way. But I don't have a crush on him. Ohh, and Quinn Allman. And, again, I don't have a crush on him. Crushes are so last year, babe.
64. Held on to something so hard that your hand bruised? I don't think so.
I found another one! Wootsky!
Single or Taken: Single, biatch.
Happy about that: Why? You interested?
Eye color: Soulful brown
Shoe size: 7
Height: 4'11'
What are you wearing right now?: Clothes. My ass.
Kind of pants: The kind that fit?
Animal: Horses.
Drink (non alcoholic): Lemonade. And gluten-free beer tastes pretty good. Wait. Did you say non-alcoholic? + Diet Coke.
Month: April.
Juice: Lemonade
Cartoon character: I don't watch cartoons.
Have You Ever...
Bungee Jumped?: No.
Gone skinny dipping?: Believe what you what to believe.
Eaten a hot dog?: Yep, two days ago, at a horse show.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Surely.
Broken a bone?: Nope.
Played truth or dare?: Yes.
Been on a plane?: Yes.
Came close to dying?: Yes.
Been in a sauna?: No.
Been in a hot tub?: Yes.
Swam in the ocean?: Nope.
Fell asleep in school?: Of course.
Run away?: Yes.
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Fell off your chair?: Uh huh.
Peed in a pool?: If you haven't peed in a pool you haven't really lived. And yes, when I was younger. I don't go to the pool anymore.
What is...
Your good luck charm?: The best friends necklace my friend got me.
New fav. Song?: "When It Rains" by Paramore
What is beside you?: Stuff
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: Herbal Essences. Yeah I know. The orgasm shampoo.
Ever Had..
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yes.
Stitches: Nope.
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: I always blink first.
Long distant relationships?: Sure.
Like school?: No.
Who was the last person that called you?: Uhh, Kristen.
Who makes you smile the most?: Sutton, Allie, Lauren, Lily, Allison, Gaby, Gaby (I know two Gaby's.), Megan, Kelsey, Ana. Life makes me smile. Funny people make me smile. coughNathancough.
Who knows you the best: My Mom.
Do you like filling these out?: If you don't know me by now/You will never know me- "If You Don't Know Me By Now" by Simply Red.
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: Nope.
Do you like yourself?: Always
Are you kidding?: Yes.
Do you get along with your family?: Sure.
Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: About certain things
Suicidal?: Nope
Final Questions:
Hated someone in your family?: His name starts with Shamed and ends with Monkey.
Gotten any awards?: 1st is a horse show! GO ME!
What car/truck do you wish to have? Hybrid.
Good driver?: I'm not driving yet.
Have a lava lamp?: No. But I would love to be high, listening to Pink Floyd, and looking at a lava lamp. That is what you call happiness.
What was your last dream about?: I was the drummer for The Used. But then my phone woke me up.
Scary or Funny Movies?: Funny
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Summer or winter?: Summer
Diamond or pearl?: Diamond.
Sprite or 7up?: Diet Coke.
Coffee or tea?: Tea.
Phone or in person?: Person
Today did you...
Buy something: No. But I bought Revolver magazine yesterday. It had the Projekt Revolution bands on it.
Feel sick?: Chyea.
Talked to an ex?: Nope
Miss someone?: I miss my ignorance about people
Last person who....
Slept in your bed?: Kurt Cobain. And John Lennon. + Tupac.
Saw/heard you cry?: I can't remember the last time I cried.
Made you cry?: Same as above.
Piercing/Tattoos?: Zero. I want a black horse with flames for the mane and tail as my tattoo. And I want a lip piercing.
What are you most scared of right now?: Death.
Who do you really hate?: I hate Pete Wentz for being him. I hate myself for falling for him.
Do you have a job?: Yes.
Are you thinking about someone right now?: Now? Pete Wentz. I don't feel that I have a crush on him. A crush sounds too second grade. But I don't feel I love him either. I also hate him because I like him. Does that make sense? How can someone I don't know make me care about him so much? Gawd. This is a load of bullshit.
Do you think there thinkin about you?: Um no. Pete Wentz does not know me. I don't think he could care less about a teenage girl hating him and loving him at the same time. I think what made me hate him the most is Ashlee Simpson. I don't care that he is dating. Everyone deserves to be happy. But
Ashlee Simpson? Come onnnn homie.
Okay, I promise last one.
1. Honestly, how many people have you kissed
Haha. Ready? N.O.N.E.
2. Honestly, what color is your underwear?
Green baby.
3. Honestly, what's on your mind?
I'm contemplating life.
4. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Listening to "Monster" by Meg & Dia and doing this survey.
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
7. Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
No. But, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL all the way baby!
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
People who are going to warped and Projekt Revolution. People who went to Bamboozle and Honda Civic Tour.
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Horses, Music, Friends, Being by myself listening to music.
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
11. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
Yes. Zac Farro, Mark O'Connell, Bob Bryar. Because they are all drummers. And John Lennon. And Rob Zombie. Oh, and, Marilyn Manson.
12. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
I don't think so.
13. Honestly, when is the last time you have been to taco bell?
Couple months ago.
14. Honestly, are you loyal?
15. Honestly, are you in denial?
16. Honestly, where would you rather be right now?
With my friend Sutton, at warped.
17. Honestly, do you like someone?
*whispers* Yes, and he'll never know. And, it isn't Pete Wentz. This guy is my age, I think a year older.
18. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?
Um no. Seeing as he lives in a different state and has a girlfriend.
19. Honestly, what was the last thing someone said to you?
I don't remember. It was a couple hours ago.
20. Honestly, what did you say to them?
Again, don't remember.
21. Gone out of your way to make a new friend:
Sure. Maybe.
22. Honestly, do you kiss and tell?
I have yet to do so.
*Anger Section*
23. What do you do when you're mad?
24. What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?
Yelled some pretty mean things.
25. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
26. Do you swear when you're mad?
Yes, you can tell I'm really pissed when f-words start to fly out of my mouth. Oh, wait. F-words tend to fly out of my mouth all the time. When I say the the f-word in a pissed off tone? LOL.
*Crying Section*
27. When was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?
When I was feeling hopeless about my life.
28. Cried yourself to sleep?
Last year.
29. Do you still cry when you get an injury?
Dude. No. I don't cry anymore when I fall off a horse. I used to, when I was first riding.
30. Do certain songs make you cry?
31. What usually makes you cry?
Thinking about sad things?
*Happy Section*
32. Are you normally a happy person?
I am entirely too moody.
33. What can make you happy?
Horses. Music. Hot Guys.
34. Does being with your friends make you happy?
Depends if I'm sad because of them or not.
*Self-Esteem Section*
35. Do you believe in yourself?
36. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you deny that you are?
Last Questions:
1.If you could marry ANY ONE in the world, who would it be?
Someone who loves me for me.
2.Do you wear eyeliner/'guy'liner?
3. If so, What color?
Black, Turquoise, Dark Blue, whatever I feel like.
4. If you had 1 more hour to live, what would you do?
Say goodbye to the horses I love, Go up to the guy I like and tell him I like him, go to the top of a hill and just scream my heart out, listen to Welcome To The Black Parade one more time, meet Steven Smith from Steven's Untitled Rock Show because that is one RAD dude.
5. Do you watch CSI regularly?
No. Ew.
6. If not, what show?
America's Next Top Model, Degrassi, One Tree Hill, FUSE, Steven's Untitled Rock Show. Mostly shallow shit.
7. Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
8. Are you a Preppy Princess/Prince?
Lyke, OMGZ, yes! (Seriously? NO!)
9. If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would you get? If you already have a tattoo, what other tattoo would you get?
Black horse with flames for the mane and tail.
10. When your favorite song comes on (In public) the radio, would you sing?
Gawd yes.
11. Are you into Bling?
Haha. Of course. Who doesn't love some good grillz!
12. Goth?
Labels are for idiots.
13. Do you smoke?
Gag me with a spork
14. Drink?
Not yet.
15. Do you know who the sexy Pete Wentz is?
I hate him at the moment, thank you.
16. Do you like guys/girls that wear eye make-up like Pete? (Smeared eyeliner and eyeshadow combo)
What's up with Pete in these questions? It depends. Sometimes. But if they wear more than me...that's a problem.
17. Do you play/ wish to play an instrument?
I want to play: DRUMS, guitar, bass, mandolin, piano, cello, and I want singing lessons.
18. Have you ever been to a concert?
No. Sad huh?
19. Who's you favorite band?
My Chemical Romance, Paramore, The Hush Sound, The Format, and like 6000 more. It's like asking me to choose a favorite child.
20. Have you ever seen the show My So-Called Life?
21. Do you care if people gossip about you or some one else you care for?
I don't care if they talk about me.
22. Do you gossip?
23. If you best friend was being called names and bullied, what would YOU do?
Kick someone's ass.
24. Would you sleep with any of your friends?
No, most of my friends are girls.
25. If you were given all the power in the world, what would you do?
World peace, babe. Plus a drum kit. DUH. I'm laughing out loud right now.
26. Do you belive in the motto 'You Get What You Give'? Why or Why not?
Yes. And I'm now getting that tattoed somewhere. Because I think there is a little thing call karma.