So I had my group lesson today. Star said she did not know who to torture me with and she wanted me to ride someone new so I said why don't I just ride bob? Biiig mistake. So most of the lesson went well, just that he can get quick at the canter. So he got a little quick, but that was my fault because I didn't slow him down. Anyway, to the exciting part. So I was jumping him for the first time and Kate(my other instructor) Told me I really need to have my reins short. So I was jumping, and he started cantering before the jump, which I am not supoposed to do, so I didn't stop him early enough so I tried to run him into the wall. Then he veered of and galloped out of the ring, and we started cantering in circles on the grass, the he jumped down to the gravel part and the started cantering along the path to the school barn. Then I turned him quickly and he jumped back onto the grass and started galloping towards the outdoor ring and close was a big log that people sit on(stay with me people) so finally I pulled back really hard and yelled slow. And he stopped. Finally. But I DIDN'T fall off. I did lose my stirrups while he was galloping, so I clung on for dear life with my legs. Kate said I needed to shorten my reins and as soon as he lands I need to start pulling back on the reins. So I jumped a few more time without a problem.
So that was my jaunt.
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