It just shows you how much drugs can ruin people's lives. They all had dreams. But that went downhill when the characters became so addicted that they would do anything for a high. Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly were SUPERB in this movie. As was Marlon Wayans. And Ellen Burstyn. Fantastic acting all around.
It's brutal to watch, but the editing on the film is AMAZING. Watch it.
This ranks up there as one of the three most powerful movies I have ever seen in my lifetime (Full Metal Jacket and Grave of The Fireflies being the other two). This movie shows the brutal honest side of addiction and over-indulgence. Not just drugs, although it heavily shows drug addiction. Also shows how one addiction can lead to another and how damaging it can be for you. I watched this alone, and felt so stunned afterwards, I had to call a friend just to calm my nerves. Seriously, this is a brutal (one more time) BRUTAL film. The acting is wonderful - Ellyn Burnstyn and Jenniffer Connely are just wonderful in this movie, and Wayons was such a shocker in a serious role. Everyone must watch it, for it's entertainment value, and more importantly, it's educational value. But it leaves chills down your spine for it's honesty and unforgiving lessons.
From IMDB.
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