Well my first official show is tomorrow. I have done a couple of barn shows, but the is the real deal. You have to wear the complete show outfit. I get to ride Chuckles!
Star let me hop on Mikey because I helped around the barn. I cantered no stirrups on him! He was really good. After, I groomed him and put on his blanket.
I also rode Rain. She was a perfect angel. I'm surprised!
My friend was also going out to ride her horse bareback and I went to watch because I had nothing to do. She even let me get on him! After I quickly tacked up Rain and went outside to meet her. I rode with her for about ten minutes.
Well that was my day. It was great!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
And I must say, God that pony is FAST! We were zooming over those jumps. I couldn't get her to trot the first one. The weird thing is, she is so slow when we are not jumping!
Friday, November 10, 2006
I got to ride Mikey! Star asked me to ride him and he was just a bundle of energy! It was so fun. He bucked a couple times and got a little quick, but it was still very fun! I cooled him and groomed him for an hour afterwards. He got lots of treats too!
I also rode Rain and got to canter her for the first time. Star said she was going to be bad but she was ok. She got very fast and did some head shakes but otherwise it was pretty good.
School barn went great. No problems, I am gettin' into the full swing of things!
I also rode Rain and got to canter her for the first time. Star said she was going to be bad but she was ok. She got very fast and did some head shakes but otherwise it was pretty good.
School barn went great. No problems, I am gettin' into the full swing of things!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I'm Moving...
I am moving to a different group lesson next week. I will be with all my friends. I can't wait.
I will tell you all how it goes next week!
I will tell you all how it goes next week!
Monday, November 06, 2006
I am really excited to go to the barn tomorrow. I get to ride Rain and I have my group lesson. I am also going to ask Rain's owner if it is ok to canter her. She doesn't feel tired at all when I ride her at a walk and trot so I thought I would ask. Here is a picture of Rain:
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I have awesome news! I might have a new job riding a horse. I was helping a little girl(She would probably kill me if she heard that I called her a little girl) tack up. Her horses' name is Josiah is he is such a sweetheart. So I was helping her tack up an I said I would love to ride him, you know in a admiring way. Well she said that they would PAY ME! So I didn't believe it of course and asked her if she was serious and she said yes. So I asked Star and she said it would be fine, so know I just have to talk to the girl's(Gaby) mother. So I might get to ride an ARABIAN!

I will post if I get the job!
This is what Josiah looks like! :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Great Day...
First it started with Rain being a very good girl. I had to lunge her outside because there was too many people in the ring. She was a little frisky because of the weather, and the fact that she's Rain!
I went to ask Star for something to do, and I ended up organizing some of her office. I was finished with one part so I was going to ask her for something else, but she was on the phone and she can talk for FOREVER! So I just took the lesson sheets and went down to the school barn.
I got Meghan's horse and sent her off. Then I had a couple lesson horses to get. Then it was time for my big group lesson. I had five horses to get for that. I really like when they all come because they are my friends. We all joked and goofed off. But when they left it was time for me to get back to my job. Darn!
I was feeling a little bad about my riding and just a little disappointed in myself. Sometimes it doesn't progress as fast as I'd like it too. And all my friends in my group lesson want me to be in their lesson and I want to also. So I talked to Star so maybe I can improve a little faster and get in their lesson. YAY!
I told you it was a good day! :)
I went to ask Star for something to do, and I ended up organizing some of her office. I was finished with one part so I was going to ask her for something else, but she was on the phone and she can talk for FOREVER! So I just took the lesson sheets and went down to the school barn.
I got Meghan's horse and sent her off. Then I had a couple lesson horses to get. Then it was time for my big group lesson. I had five horses to get for that. I really like when they all come because they are my friends. We all joked and goofed off. But when they left it was time for me to get back to my job. Darn!
I was feeling a little bad about my riding and just a little disappointed in myself. Sometimes it doesn't progress as fast as I'd like it too. And all my friends in my group lesson want me to be in their lesson and I want to also. So I talked to Star so maybe I can improve a little faster and get in their lesson. YAY!
I told you it was a good day! :)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rain went awesome for me today. I got on her by myself with no problems. I don't even need a lunge whip to make her "go" anymore. She is really blossoming into a sweet lovable girl. She and I have really bonded. She loves her treats too!
My lesson went OK. I tried really hard today. I'm getting better. It's hard with Dori because you have to hold her to make her slow down. Also on my way to the second jump SHE WOULDN'T CANTER! Can you tell that I was a bit frustrated?
Oh well. I've got next week!
P.S. I'm riding Deirdra on Friday. Wish me luck. Hope I don't get killed. LOL!
My lesson went OK. I tried really hard today. I'm getting better. It's hard with Dori because you have to hold her to make her slow down. Also on my way to the second jump SHE WOULDN'T CANTER! Can you tell that I was a bit frustrated?
Oh well. I've got next week!
P.S. I'm riding Deirdra on Friday. Wish me luck. Hope I don't get killed. LOL!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I rode Rain again and it went really well! I can stay on the first time and she doesn't buck because I don't let her. I hope she is starting to respect me. Jenn said I need to be a little more tough on her because she has a "tude". Well she is a pony!
I also got to ride Ugly bareback! Star wanted to see if he was still lame, so she told me to slap a bridle on him and hop on! He was still lame which is sad, but hardly life threatening! What was weird to me was that I could feel his spine moving! I haven't ridden bareback in forever so it took me a moment to get used to it.
My shift working in the school barn went well. No mistakes, all went smoothly. I bet you were tired of hearing about all the episodes!
That's it. I've got to go and work on my LOST blog entry.
I also got to ride Ugly bareback! Star wanted to see if he was still lame, so she told me to slap a bridle on him and hop on! He was still lame which is sad, but hardly life threatening! What was weird to me was that I could feel his spine moving! I haven't ridden bareback in forever so it took me a moment to get used to it.
My shift working in the school barn went well. No mistakes, all went smoothly. I bet you were tired of hearing about all the episodes!
That's it. I've got to go and work on my LOST blog entry.
Friday, October 13, 2006
I hit the Wall... Again
You know the story. I was jumping, I didn't steer, we didn't(Dori and I) know were to go, I fell and hit the wall. You gettin' tired of this story? Anyway, my lesson was so awesome! Star had me trot in a straight line not on the rail. Believe me, it's harder than it sound. We also jumped a lot and I did a figure eight of jumps. I'll try to explain. So I would jump a diagonal, then I would jump another diagonal then I would go back to the first diagonal then jump the second. And so on and so forth. I did that about six times. THAT was hard.
Star wanted me to ride Mikey so we could see if he was still lame. That would involve catching him, which is impossible! I yelled, I talked soothingly and did EVERYTHING possible, but that horse WOULD NOT STAND STILL! ARRRRRRG!!!!!!!! I am still angry about it!!!
Bye All! :)
Star wanted me to ride Mikey so we could see if he was still lame. That would involve catching him, which is impossible! I yelled, I talked soothingly and did EVERYTHING possible, but that horse WOULD NOT STAND STILL! ARRRRRRG!!!!!!!! I am still angry about it!!!
Bye All! :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Grand Prix
My mom and I went to a big show on Saturday. It was the Capital Challenge Horse Show and Grand Prix. The pony classes had started when we got there. It was soo "fun" to see girls younger than me doing courses on 50 thousand dollar ponies. Well, I'll get there eventually. Also we did some shopping and I got a neckalace with a jumping horse on it, a hard brush, a jelly scrubber, a grooming mitt, and treats. The main event was coming up, so we went back to our seats, which were right in frount of a triple. Those jumps were so high I could walk under them. Kent Farrington and his horse Madison won. It was so cool. I can't wait to do that myself!

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Mice in the Tack Room!

I was doing my shift in the school barn and I saw so many mice. It freaked me out. I asked people on and off the entire day to come into the tack room with me. Devin(an instructor) didn't seem bothered by it at all!
Rain bucked again as soon as I got on her. Michelle(her owner) said that I need to lunge her before I ride. That's fine because I like too.
I had to get Q out from his field and I didn't know how big it was. It was huge! And he was all the way out there so I had walk all around the field. I'm glad I actually got Q!
Oh and I saw a Practical Horseman in the trash and I asked Star if I could have it and she said yes. Also she said that she would start saving magazines for me.
That was pretty much my day.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Never Trust a Sweet Little Blue Eyed Pony
Seriously. Don't. You remember the beautiful pony I get to ride a couple times a week for her owner? Well as soon as I got on her she started bucking. I hopped of because that was my first reaction. Anyway, Rain started cantering around the ring, then she ran out. I ran after her. Then I yelled for Casey, whom I thought was still in the school barn. Katie was in the field and heard me yelling and ran out to help me. Well, we started walking back to the indoor ring and I asked Katie to hold her while I got back on. She seemed to have gotten it all out of her system. So I got back on, we walked around for ten minutes, trotted twice around.
The moral of the story: No matter how cute and sweet they may be, ponies can still be evil.
The moral of the story: No matter how cute and sweet they may be, ponies can still be evil.
Monday, October 02, 2006
My favorite show now. My family and I are watching season one on DVD, and we are almost done with it. Anyway I have spoilers so to anyone who has not watched season one, don't read this.
I am so tired of waiting for the hatch to open that Locke and Boone found. They totally teased us with the glowing door thing. Sometimes the story is incredably hard to follow, because so many thing are happening at once.
I am so tired of waiting for the hatch to open that Locke and Boone found. They totally teased us with the glowing door thing. Sometimes the story is incredably hard to follow, because so many thing are happening at once.
I should tell you. All the guys on Lost are so freakin' hot I have to show you pics.

Jack! So serious... Ok so maybe, Seriously HOT!
Sayid. The hot warrior. With the broken heart.
Mr. Eko. The hot drug-lord-turned-priest who always chops wood with his shirt off.

Jin. The reluctant assassin.

Hurley. So adorable I couldn't not put him in!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I Hit The Wall
Literally. It's a funny story. So I was riding Dori and we were jumping a line of jumps and going a liittle bit too fast. So, you know the story didn't stop her in time and we looked like we were going to stick it, but she turned her head and Wham! I hit the wall. Jenn and Margie ran in 'cause of the noise. Mom said it was loud and Star started laughing and I couldn't help it either so I started laughing and pretty soon we were all laughing. Oh well.
Anyway, on a good note there is a GORGEOUS pinto at the barn named Rain and she is out of shape and has lamintis and her owner want me to ride her!!! And the best part is, she has wall eyes or blue eyes! YAY!!!
Also I was watching the lady the owns Savvy ride and she let me get up on her and walk around!
It was a GREAT day!!!
Anyway, on a good note there is a GORGEOUS pinto at the barn named Rain and she is out of shape and has lamintis and her owner want me to ride her!!! And the best part is, she has wall eyes or blue eyes! YAY!!!
Also I was watching the lady the owns Savvy ride and she let me get up on her and walk around!
It was a GREAT day!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006

I was at the barn doing my sweeping, and I was in one of the tack rooms and do you know what I saw? I saw a lady's locker open and it had so much stuff in it! It was so awesome!!! She had TWO saddles, grooming stuff, treats, electric clippers, tack cleaning supplies, and four bridles! That is how much I want! It was so cool. You probably need to be a horse person to understand, but it just made me feel great. It's what I want to get for my horse.
Anyway, there are four new horses at the barn. They are Corey, Ernie, Top Gun, and Meca. I don't really know them yet, but I am sure I will win them over. I am the carrot fairy!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Yesterday I went to the barn again. I had to tell Star that I cut Mikey's mane with my thinning scissors. I guess you want to hear the story of me being a stupid idiot. So I was grooming Mikey after my show on Sunday, and I got A LITTLE carried away and started using my thinning scissors. So, my mom said I had to tell Star and I was scared. But I told her and she wasn't mad. Thank god. I was shaking when I had to tell her. Then I helped her clean her horses' cuts on their legs. Then I got Twister and Feathers ready for the autistic class. I went awesome. I really like doing it. One of the kids recited something from barney and I told him feathers(a horse) was impressed. Feathers looked at like she could care less. Anyway, my lesson went great too. I rode Dori. I really like her and I hope to ride her again. We jumped about eight times and the first jump was horrible but the other ones were pretty good. My teacher and I figured out why I was getting left behind. I didn't have my heels down and I wasn't holding on to mane strong enough, I guess. But I can't wait to work on it.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
So I had my private lesson today. Star was going to make me ride Bob again, but all the horses were way out in the field. So instead I just rode Stoney. Stoney is super sensitive, so if I leaned back or forward he would stop. And I had to use my leg to steer instead of the reins. For example, I would press my right leg and calf to push him into the corner. It was so hard and frustrating, but it makes me want to try again.
I didn't do alot of work in the barn because Star let me ride with her and Jenn and Margie and a lady named Michelle. They are all adults and I was really scared. But, Star says I am going to ride with them every week so I guess I will have to get over it. But I got to ride Mikey, so that was the good part.
My work in the school barn went okay, just that I made a mistake. I was supposed to get Ralph but I got Annabelle instead, and she is mean. So anyway the girl was putting on the girth and Annabelle(who I thought was Ralph) freaked out and pulled of the railand the girl got rope burn from the bailing twine the hooks up the horses to the rail. I felt so embarassed and guilty, but at least I won't make that mistake again. Star said it was okay and that she will never get angry. She hugged me too! That was weird. Oh well. We will see if it goes well next week.
I didn't do alot of work in the barn because Star let me ride with her and Jenn and Margie and a lady named Michelle. They are all adults and I was really scared. But, Star says I am going to ride with them every week so I guess I will have to get over it. But I got to ride Mikey, so that was the good part.
My work in the school barn went okay, just that I made a mistake. I was supposed to get Ralph but I got Annabelle instead, and she is mean. So anyway the girl was putting on the girth and Annabelle(who I thought was Ralph) freaked out and pulled of the railand the girl got rope burn from the bailing twine the hooks up the horses to the rail. I felt so embarassed and guilty, but at least I won't make that mistake again. Star said it was okay and that she will never get angry. She hugged me too! That was weird. Oh well. We will see if it goes well next week.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bob the Devil

So I had my group lesson today. Star said she did not know who to torture me with and she wanted me to ride someone new so I said why don't I just ride bob? Biiig mistake. So most of the lesson went well, just that he can get quick at the canter. So he got a little quick, but that was my fault because I didn't slow him down. Anyway, to the exciting part. So I was jumping him for the first time and Kate(my other instructor) Told me I really need to have my reins short. So I was jumping, and he started cantering before the jump, which I am not supoposed to do, so I didn't stop him early enough so I tried to run him into the wall. Then he veered of and galloped out of the ring, and we started cantering in circles on the grass, the he jumped down to the gravel part and the started cantering along the path to the school barn. Then I turned him quickly and he jumped back onto the grass and started galloping towards the outdoor ring and close was a big log that people sit on(stay with me people) so finally I pulled back really hard and yelled slow. And he stopped. Finally. But I DIDN'T fall off. I did lose my stirrups while he was galloping, so I clung on for dear life with my legs. Kate said I needed to shorten my reins and as soon as he lands I need to start pulling back on the reins. So I jumped a few more time without a problem.
So that was my jaunt.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Well, another week at the barn. Both my lessons went well. In my group lesson on Tuesday I rode Chuckles. I feel sorry for the poor pony, with her horrible name. But she's really fun to ride because she likes to go FAST! Anyway, we did a little jumping. All went well with that, except that she likes to canter to the jump and I was supposed to trot it so I had to hold her back and I got left behind on a couple jumps. Oh well. I'll keep working on it. Wednesday, in my private lesson I rode my baby Mikey. I still have to think of a nickname for him. My mom says I should call him Mick, but I don't that suits him at all. Anyway, back on track here, Star taught me how to transition to the canter on the straight, instead of starting to canter in the corner, and still get the right lead. I was quite hard to understand at first(Anyone else lost?) but I got it. My work in the school barn went well. I have a minion now. Her name is Megan and she cries when she rides, because she is afraid that the horse will run away with her. But I have to give her some credit, she recently have a bad fall on Paradiso. So, everything in the school barn went well, no mistakes and I DIDN'T bring grain into the field again. Never will I do that again.
Well that has been a day in the life of a Barn Bum. See you next week!
Well that has been a day in the life of a Barn Bum. See you next week!
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ah, the life of a barn bum, a good one at that. But once in a while, your evil riding instructor makes you go back to riding on the flat(no jumping). And of course, when riding on the flat, here comes the perfect opportunity to work on the posting trot. I tell you people, I was in a lot of pain. But, it really woke me up to see how much I could improve. So now, being the determined one that I am, I will try to work extra hard at my lessons, and do alot of stretching exercises, and I have started at a ladies gym with my mom(don't laugh). We are going this morning to a scary place, with machines, and cardio music, a "your wonderful" sign on the wall, and last but not least, the owner is the scariest person of all, with his orange tan and fake orange hair, yes I tell you it's a scary place. All for Horses and Horse Back Riding. I must really love it. And I do. On a lighter note, my group lesson went awsome. We jumped about six times, I rode my baby, Mikey. Plus, the autistic class went well. The first group helped feed, and the second group groomed Feathers. And on Wednesday I had my first day as a student worker. Everything went well, I made no mistakes, other than taking a small bucket of grain out into the field to get Paradiso and had a ton of horses chasing me, I think one actually hit me, oh well. I will NEVER make that mistake again. Anyway I caught Paradiso, I Won!!! Everything else went well, and I made some friends. And I got to open the gate at the end so they could all get grass. There was alot of galloping to get the best spot. I hid behind the gate so none of them could trample me again. All in all it was a good day.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
New Beginnings

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