Oh. my. fucking. god.
Amazing. Just. Amazing.
I'll start from the beginning. We're waiting for the gates to open, and the guy behind us is REALLY cute. Like, REALLY REALLY cute. Redhead, lip piercing, Taking Back Sunday t-shirt, the whole nine yards. Uber hyper, starts talking to his girlfriend, talking about concerts they had been too. He starts on about Green Day, and bad-mouthing them. The cute guy then realizes I'm wearing a Green Day hat apologizes, and PATS my head. :)
On to when we get in there. We had this whole ordeal about not being able to bring in backpacks, but my mom needs her backpack, because it has her medical supplies in it. Let me just say, my mom is badassssss. We totally got to bring in the backpack. :)
NOW, on to the bands I saw. We missed most of Madina Lake, but what I heard was awesome. We were so FLIPPING close to the stage, it was so awesome. Styles Of Beyond was AMAZING! Mike Shinoda (from Linkin Park) came on stage and rapped with them. I danced, screamed, and waved my hand in the air like I just didn't care. :)
Didn't get to see The Bled, because my mom got really hot, so we went over to shade, while they performed.
Now, on to one of the many big kahunas. SAOSIN. I went in there only knowing two songs by them. They were FUCKING AMAZING! I was so close to the stage, got some great photos of the lead singer.
Then, we went over to were Saosin was having a signing, and waited in line for about an hour. There was a dude going up and down the line selling Saosin CDs and I got one for ten bucks.
But, now on to the part that made my entire day. I got my Saosin t-shirt and CD (That I bought today, mind you) signed by ALL OF SAOSIN. FUCK YEAH. The bass player smiled at me, (Hee hee) and the lead singer winked and said "hey sweetie" to my MOM. Yeah. PLUS, the first guy from the Saosin (sorry, I can't tell them apart, or their names, or what instrument they play) put my CD in his mouth to hold it while he signed the t-shirt. I totally have Saosin spit on my Saosin CD. Chyea. lol.
So while all of this was going on, Mindless Self Indulgence was performing. I REALLY REALLY liked them. Plus, also while we were waiting in line, Madina Lake was doing a signing, so I was like six or seven feet away from them. Plus, a guy from Madina Lake looked at me. :)
We got up to the main stage in the middle of Julien-k. I REALLY liked them. Placebo I didn't like at all, HIM I didn't really like either. Taking Back Sunday was REALLY REALLY cool.
But on to the BIG kahuna. My. Chemical. Romance.
I screamed SO loud when they came on. I'm seriously going to have no voice tomorrow, because I screamed, and sang along to every song. I jumped, danced, head-banged, you name it. I looked like an COMPLETE idiot. But, on the main stage, we had lawn tickets, so we were REALLY far away from the stage. Saosin, Mindless Self Indulgence, Styles Of Beyond, The Bled, and Madina Lake were on the Revolution Stage, and you can go anywhere you want. That how we got so close.
Yeah. Gerard Way sounded like shit, but it was fun anyway. A guy was wearing the same Avenged Sevenfold shirt as me. Um, what else. I don't know. I think that's it.
My throat hurts, my head hurts, and I'm exhausted, but I had a blast. Saosin is now in my top three favorite bands, and I have a tiny crush on the lead singer. I know, just stamp HYPOCRITE across my ass.
Pictures tomorrow. I'm too damn tired now.
-fracky :)
EDIT: Here are the pictures from the concert that I posted on my blog.
SaosinRevolution Stage BandsMain Stage BandsMy Signed Merch