Thursday, August 31, 2006


Ah, the life of a barn bum, a good one at that. But once in a while, your evil riding instructor makes you go back to riding on the flat(no jumping). And of course, when riding on the flat, here comes the perfect opportunity to work on the posting trot. I tell you people, I was in a lot of pain. But, it really woke me up to see how much I could improve. So now, being the determined one that I am, I will try to work extra hard at my lessons, and do alot of stretching exercises, and I have started at a ladies gym with my mom(don't laugh). We are going this morning to a scary place, with machines, and cardio music, a "your wonderful" sign on the wall, and last but not least, the owner is the scariest person of all, with his orange tan and fake orange hair, yes I tell you it's a scary place. All for Horses and Horse Back Riding. I must really love it. And I do. On a lighter note, my group lesson went awsome. We jumped about six times, I rode my baby, Mikey. Plus, the autistic class went well. The first group helped feed, and the second group groomed Feathers. And on Wednesday I had my first day as a student worker. Everything went well, I made no mistakes, other than taking a small bucket of grain out into the field to get Paradiso and had a ton of horses chasing me, I think one actually hit me, oh well. I will NEVER make that mistake again. Anyway I caught Paradiso, I Won!!! Everything else went well, and I made some friends. And I got to open the gate at the end so they could all get grass. There was alot of galloping to get the best spot. I hid behind the gate so none of them could trample me again. All in all it was a good day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Beginnings

Today I am going to the barn where I ride. I get to work there Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays an autistic class comes to the barn to ride and work. It is pretty challenging sometimes, because they can have outbursts, and it can be a little nerve-wracking. I also have a lesson in the afternoon, that I earn myself by working in the school barn helping people tack up and stuff. I am so excited for my lesson this afternoon, because it will be my first one with a new teacher. You see, Star(my riding instructor, and main person there) is starting me out as a student worker so I can earn a second lesson a week. I will still have my old lesson with Star, but will get a second lesson a week with an instructor named Kate. It will be a group lesson, a new experience for me because my lesson with Star is a private lesson. With Star, I have been jumping for about six months but with Kate, I will probably go back to riding on the flat. I am so excited to see who I will be riding, because Star usually just throws a horse's name out into the world. Most of the time it's Mikey, whom I love. But, Kate will be deciding today. We will see.
