Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Heart Huckabees...

I thought it was a great movie. In my opinion, the movie was like a hybrid of Garden State and Little Miss Sunshine. It was very quirky and odd, yet very funny at the same time. I thought it was about trying to find deeper meaning and looking under the surface of life. I liked the theory that everything in life is connected and it all means something.

There was a great cast in the movie. I LOVED Mark Wahlberg’s character, Tommy. He was very pessimistic, but towards the end when he was on the rock with Albert, you could see his point of view changing. Mark Wahlberg is such an incredible actor. I admire him so very much.

Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin were also great characters. I would love to go around spying on people all day and writing about them in a notebook.

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