Thursday, September 14, 2006

So I had my private lesson today. Star was going to make me ride Bob again, but all the horses were way out in the field. So instead I just rode Stoney. Stoney is super sensitive, so if I leaned back or forward he would stop. And I had to use my leg to steer instead of the reins. For example, I would press my right leg and calf to push him into the corner. It was so hard and frustrating, but it makes me want to try again.

I didn't do alot of work in the barn because Star let me ride with her and Jenn and Margie and a lady named Michelle. They are all adults and I was really scared. But, Star says I am going to ride with them every week so I guess I will have to get over it. But I got to ride Mikey, so that was the good part.

My work in the school barn went okay, just that I made a mistake. I was supposed to get Ralph but I got Annabelle instead, and she is mean. So anyway the girl was putting on the girth and Annabelle(who I thought was Ralph) freaked out and pulled of the railand the girl got rope burn from the bailing twine the hooks up the horses to the rail. I felt so embarassed and guilty, but at least I won't make that mistake again. Star said it was okay and that she will never get angry. She hugged me too! That was weird. Oh well. We will see if it goes well next week.


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