Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Hit The Wall

Literally. It's a funny story. So I was riding Dori and we were jumping a line of jumps and going a liittle bit too fast. So, you know the story didn't stop her in time and we looked like we were going to stick it, but she turned her head and Wham! I hit the wall. Jenn and Margie ran in 'cause of the noise. Mom said it was loud and Star started laughing and I couldn't help it either so I started laughing and pretty soon we were all laughing. Oh well.

Anyway, on a good note there is a GORGEOUS pinto at the barn named Rain and she is out of shape and has lamintis and her owner want me to ride her!!! And the best part is, she has wall eyes or blue eyes! YAY!!!

Also I was watching the lady the owns Savvy ride and she let me get up on her and walk around!

It was a GREAT day!!!


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