Monday, February 26, 2007

I have discovered Pink Floyd...

I think Pink Floyd is amazing. I love that they have a kind of dreamy/sunny tone to their songs. Also, with the dreamy tone, they have a electronica- rockish sound. It's like they threw a bunch of genres together. Or, because they are from the 60's, they spawned a bunch of new genres. The Shins are like a modern day Pink Floyd. The Shins have that same dreamy tone with a lot of rock. My mom says she likes a song by Pink Floyd that Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit covered. She likes both versions. That made me laugh out loud. For god sakes, she is wearing a Corona ball cap and a PINK polo shirt! Damn, maybe... my mom is kinda *whispers* cool. AHHHH, I can't BELIEVE I just said that. I need some caffeine. Ok, so she is kinda bad ass.

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