Thursday, October 19, 2006

I rode Rain again and it went really well! I can stay on the first time and she doesn't buck because I don't let her. I hope she is starting to respect me. Jenn said I need to be a little more tough on her because she has a "tude". Well she is a pony!

I also got to ride Ugly bareback! Star wanted to see if he was still lame, so she told me to slap a bridle on him and hop on! He was still lame which is sad, but hardly life threatening! What was weird to me was that I could feel his spine moving! I haven't ridden bareback in forever so it took me a moment to get used to it.

My shift working in the school barn went well. No mistakes, all went smoothly. I bet you were tired of hearing about all the episodes!

That's it. I've got to go and work on my LOST blog entry.



Boogieman said...

I think you need a bigger challenge! Ride Savoy!

Alias said...