Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Dreams are some weird things.

About a week ago, I had a dream that I was in New York, with my best friend, well apparently in the dream she was my best friend. I didn't even recognize her, lol. But, we ended up in a small venue, and My Chemical Romance was performing. So, the guys in My Chem started pushing these racks of coats in the middle of the floor, I guess. While I was getting smushed by coats, I start talking to Gerard Way, who is the lead singer of My Chem. Does anyone else think this is weird? So, anyway, somehow, I end up in this department store, with my so-called "best friend". We look at shoes and electronics, and then decide to go back to the concert because we only stayed for one and a half songs. So as we are walking to the concert, my friend turns into my brother. Then, this guy in a van says that we need to get in the car to get to the concert. I get in then realize that my mom won't know where I am. I say to myself that my brother will tell her. So I get to the venue, and it says the My Chem concert is over. Feeling a tad disappointed, I get back into the van. Then we go on this jungle trail somehow. This cougar or whatever jumps in front of us, says I have to be really still and quiet, so it won't EAT US. lol. By the way, the dude driving the van looks suspiciously like Rob Schneider, I don't know why. So I get back to my mom, tell her the concert was over. Then I woke up.

That's not the weirdest dream I had that week. Here's another.

So, as you know, I have insomnia. This "dream" happened as I was trying to fall asleep, and I was about half-asleep. I have a picture of a band called The Used right by my head, on the wall. So, my dream was floating heads. Bert McCracken (lead singer) and Quinn Allman's (Guitarist) floating heads.

Dude. What does this say about me?


Sharon said...

Hmmm...that you should lay off the taco bell before bed! LOL
Or that you have one heck of an imagination. What you said about the coats made me think of Narnia.

Alias said...

I know! I love C.S. Lewis.