Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm just a forwarding whore. But every word this girl writes is 100% true.

'You' is not spelled 'u'. Yes, it's easier, and it sounds like it should be just a letter, but guess what... it's not. Is it really so hard to type in two letters along with it? (the same thing can apply to: r/are, y/why, o/oh, b/be, c/see, yr/year, and so on...)

'For' is not spelled 'fer'. I mean, what are we now, kindergartners!? Phonetically spelling words when it's just as easy to spell it the other way? It makes you look retarded.

'Love' is not spelled 'luv', 'lurv', or 'lov.' Let's talk about the second one for a minute. Lurv...? No one even pronounces it like that! So why do people spell it like that? Again, it just makes you look stupid, and it makes people want to blow your brains out. And if you're seriously too lazy to add an 'e' to the end of a word, then you go get help for that.

How about the difference between 'you're' and 'your'? No one seems to understand it.
you're: The contraction for 'you are' (used in a sentence: you're a good speller.)
your: Showing possession for someone else. (used in a sentence: your myspace layout is cool.)
Let's try to remember that, kiddos, because I remember learning that in first grade.

If you're not really laughing out loud, why even abbreviate it?
If you're not really laughing your ass off, why abbreviate it?
If you're not really rolling on the floor laughing, why abbreviate it?
If something's shocking or worth making a big deal over, you should be able to spell out "Oh my God/gosh."
If you're going to be right back or be back later, why don't you spell it out?
If you have to go, why use numbers and quick, crappy abbreviations when it's just as easy spell it out?
Basically, all these abbreviations are complete and utter bullshit when you come to think about it.

Oh yeah and when you use a really long sentence without any periods or commas it gets really really really annoying after a while it's almost impossible to understand when you do it and it makes you look like a total idiot I'm doing this on purpose to prove a point.


4, 2 and 8 are numbers. Not words. And using numbers in words (ex: l8r, sk8r) is ridiculous. You wouldn't get away with that shit at school, so why even bother melting your mind into doing stuff like that regularly on the internet?

Random 'Z's' in between and at the end of words...? What? Seriouzly, what the hellz iz going on? Usually theyz don't even make senze, and peoplez just want 'Z's' in wordsz so it lookz coolzzzZZzzZZzz (shut the fuck up, it's pointless and stupid).

The double & sign? What the hell? Basically, you're saying "and and", which makes no sense whatsoever. I asked my sister why she did it one day and she said "because it looks cute." Ha... um, newsflash... they're words. And it's a symbol that stands for another word. I doubt you can turn in a project using && instead of "and", and then get away with telling the teacher that you put it there because it "looked cute." It's called being a failure, kids.

It seems like everyone now is simply taking vowels out of words... I mean, Fall Out Boy did it, so why can't everyone else? No, that's wrong, people. Lk, f w jst dd ths frvr, n n wld ndrstnd wht wr syng, rght? (if you know what I just said, congratulations, you're most likely an idiot who would type exactly like that).

Some of these myspace abbreviations are pointless, too... look people:
'Picture' is NOT spelled: "pic, pc, or pix."
'Message' is NOT spelled: "msg, msge, mg"
'Comment' is NOT spelled: "cmt, cmnt, cmmt"

You're all forgetting what you people have learned in elementary school for crying out loud! Just because it's the internet doesn't mean you have the right to spell like a complete ditz. It's only making you stupider, and it's causing people to get into the habit of spelling like that in real life!


And you know what? If you agree with me, forward this bulliten. The word needs to get out that this 'internet lingo' shit is destroying people's minds.


Ok, I admit, I, most of the time, use "lol". BUT, I DO use good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (Thank you spell check) If you don't have enough time to write something out, then do it when you have more time.

I do have to say though, my best friend types like that, so I'm used to it. I'm trying to train her out of it. :)

I'm getting off track. Here is this girl's blog: CHICKENS4LIFE
Go to it. Read her stuff, because she is immensely funny, and a very nice person.


P.S. I really like italics. So I'm going to use them all the time. I'm odd.


Sharon said...

AMEN TO THAT!! My niece does that double && thing, and also doubles the letters on the ends of words. For instance, she calls her boyfriend (I use that term loosely, she's only 13) BABEYY...and LOVEE...UGH, makes my skin crawl. I would like to find who started all that and smack 'em.

:) Sorry, BIG pet peeve of mine.

Alias said...

Dude, let me just say you're awesome. :)

My biggest pet peeve is when people TyPe LyKe DiS. I hate that!
