Monday, June 04, 2007

Fracky Fiasco's Untitled Song List # 11 -- My Chemical Romance Edition

Ok so I just lost my post on here. I had thirteen great My Chem songs and I just freaking lost it. I am so pissed off. I was so proud of it, then I go to spell check, and I freaking lose it! DAMMIT, I HATE BLOGGER. No, hate is not a strong enough word. Loathe, despise is more like it. I had been working on it for like a hour. I'm so sad now.

I'm sorry.

-Fracky, with her head hung, Fiasco


Ampersand said...

Hey, girl that profanity is getting out of hand! Some innocent people might wander by and get scarred for life.

As your mom, I'm asking u 2 hit delete :).

Sharon said...

I'm sorry, I hate it when that happens. :(