Friday, June 15, 2007


Dude. I'm. such. a. superficial. whore.

Again with "be true to yourself shit". Apparently I didn't get it the first time.

I say I like bands to sound cool. I lie to myself.

I just lie in general.

When am I going to get over this? I neeeeeeedddd to stop being a music poser.

I say I like The Beatles. I have them on my i-pod. Yet, I don't listen to them.

Same with Prince, Al Green, and Marvin Gaye. If I had an Iron Maiden CD, I wouldn't listen to it.

I'm NOT a music fanatic yet. I haven't even listened to Rancid, Jawbreaker, or Anthrax. Those are just three examples to how narrow my music knowledge is.

Can you still be a music lover if you don't particularly like Iron Maiden, Metallica, The Beatles, The Smiths, or Guns 'N Roses? HUH? CAN YOU?

I feel so freaking pissed off at myself. Music was not meant for me.

I admire music reviewers and musicians so much. Maybe I am trying to be like them too much?

Here is my confession.

I don't like heavy metal, punk, rock, R&B, or indie.

I like pop. And Pop-punk.

I am a teenie-bopper.



Ampersand said...

my dear fracky, this is so very normal. i promise that by the time you are forty you will be comfortable in your own skin and won't care what others think. so there will be no need to try to be what you are not...

besides, you are off to an early start on this road to authenticity, so I bet you get there waaaay before forty.

love you,


Sandie said...

I was going to say something close to what your mom said ;)

You are an amazing girl just the way you are. Developing musical taste is just like developing any other taste, you nibble here and there until something really catches your fancy, then you dig in until it is time to go to the next cool thing.

Remember being in the Indian Restaurant, you tried things that most kids your age would have seriously just turned their noses up at. Think of music the same way. If someone you admire likes it, try it out, if you like it great, if you don't fine, but don't give up all the things you love or even say you like something you don't.

Dirk has seriously increased my music vocabulary. When I was your age I listened to nothing but radio pop. Since he was a musician he had studied music and so over the years I was introduced to different stuff and when he told me why he liked something I was able to understand it more. Now Nathan is doing something similar, he is trying to teach me about 'his' music. I don't like it yet, but I do understand it better and can listen to more of it than even a couple years ago.

Sharon said...

I think you are a music lover if you love music...I don't care what kind. You are also a music lover if you don't like some kinds of music. Want to know what I like? Here's a list for you:

Kirk Franklin
.38 Special
Toby Keith
Steven Curtis Chapman
Spice Girls
Alan Jackson
Brad Paisley (love his new song, "ticks")
DC Talk...
I could go on and on, but you get my point. I like what I like, there's no explanation for it. I also like classical, I also like some of the groups you listed, because my son likes them so I have been exposed to them through him.
My point is, do you think I care if someone looks crosseyed at me in traffic because I feel like listening to the Spice Girls with my sunroof open? I care not :) Be who you are Fracky, if someone doesn't get you, or doesn't like you, they're not worth your time.

Alias said...

Thank you all so much. I have just been a little deprssed lately. I hatw not knowing who I am. But I guess it will come with time.