Friday, June 15, 2007

W00T! Part 2

I just saw Fall Out Boy's new video for The Take Over, The Breaks Over. Several things I need to say about this.

First, when I heard the rumor that FOB was making The Take Over, The Breaks Over as their next video I was torn between excitement and fear. FOB's last two videos I completely HATED. I was very very very scared that they would screw it up again. Especially that The Take Over, The Breaks Over is one of my favorite songs off of Infinity On High. The first time I heard that record, that was the first song that realllly stood out to me.

Second, the video does not suck, which I'm glad about. It's not amazing, but it did renew some respect for Fall Out Boy. I had pretty much lost all respect for them. It was a cute video, very simple, but not bad. The only part I didn't like was the girls pretending to be cats or whatever. Those boys have one track minds. Duuuuuudddeee.

Third, Andy Hurley (drummer) rocks my friggen socks. Uh Huh. I admire drummers so much. Probably because I want to be one.

The video is not on youtube yet, so I can't embed it. I viewed the wondahful video on Friends Or Enemies. I will post it as soon as I can.


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