Friday, June 29, 2007

Cool Hand Fracky

Well. Hmmm. I am about THE COOLEST person on earth.

No I'm not. I'm just shitting you now.

Anywhoosies, I was in a horse show today. And will you please guess what places I got? 5th in the flat class. And, drumroll please... 1st in the jumping class! I swear Mikey was AMAZING! I was so sure that he was going to refuse, but he didn't and it was damn pretty. It was only an eight jump course. Nothing too hard. I have never won anything in a jumping class before so this was really fun.

Downside, I totally screwed up the flat class. I got the wrong lead when the judge asked us to canter. I still had a total blast and all my friends placed well too.

I love my horse! (Well, he really isn't my horse, but I love him to death.)


P.S. If you look on my sidebar, you can see a picture of me and Mikey. I think I have an old post about a jumper show Mikey and I did. Here it is. You can see more pictures of us. :)


Sandie said...

Yeah! Congrads, you have worked hard. I am glad you did so well and had fun doing it.

Alias said...


Sharon said...

Congratulations!! I so wish I could have watched you do it. Sigh.